
Alter Case
This operation transforms capital letters in lower case and on the contrary. Performance of this operation allows to correct the text if it has been typed with incorrectly pressed key CapsLock.
Make Uppercase/ Make Lowercase
This operation transforms all letters in capital letters / lower case/
Cyrilic Keyboard Layout Change
Performance of this operation allows to correct the text if it has been typed with incorrect keyboard layput. Automatically defines a direction of change of an keyboard layouts. Works only for Cyrilic and USA keyboard layouts.
Cyrilic Transliterate
Operation will transform the text typed with Cyrillics letters Cyrillics to the text consisting from Latin letters.

The table of a transliteration which does not provide restoration of the original Cyrillics text at a return transliteration is used.

Cyrilic Back Transliterate
Operation will transform the text typed with Latin letters to the text consisting from Cyrillics letters.