
Text input (typing on the keyboard) – one of the most widespread operations at work with the computer. No means always these texts are presented in formats of office packages (such as, for example, MS Office) or publishing systems. Often it is necessary to deal with the texts consisting only from one ASCII or UNICODE-symbols (plain text). These are every possible notes quickly, made in notepad, various technical files, program source code etc.
Area where plain text continue to be applied is very wide.

Working in the Internet you often deal with the simple text data. It is filling of fields in various Web - forms, questionnaires, this writing of messages in chats, forums, groups, writinge-mails and blogs. Despite the big progress of Web-technologies, editors of the text in Web, remain generally primitive.

Therefore we should waste time on manually to format the text, to adjust it on width, to keep uniform spacing and width of lines... Program TextLab – is aimed, to help with the decision of these problems. Let's consider some situations where TextLab could help.


Tables are everywhere. For work with tables there is a set of special applications. All advanced text editors try to simplify as much as possible creation of tables and work with them. Only plain text editors pretend that tables do not exist. Programmers especially suffer from this circumstance. They often should make out fragments of the programs monotonous columns. Compare two fragments of a code resulted more low.

These two fragments do the same, but look differently. How you think, what fragment to read easier? What sense of a variant to understand easier? In what fragment to notice a random error, discrepancy, failure easier? Here therefore programmers so like to read a code issued by columns. They like it to read. But they do not like it to write.

The matter is that to change a code issued by columns, very bored. It is enough to add or clean one line in this "table" as it is necessary to make lot of routine editing actions for adjusting lines on width. And if there are tens of lines in "table"?

By means of TextLab the first variant of a code turns to the second by means of very simple actions. At first we select the text which should be issued columns, and then press keys Ctrl+Alt+0. It is necessary for you to return the text in a former kind? Again select the necessary lines and press Ctrl+Alt+С .

One more similar example. You work in editor VisualStudio. You need to issue a fragment of the text of the program in the form of accurate columns. You allocate this fragment and press a combination of keys Ctrl + Alt + 1 . The text in the form of columns as a result turns out.

Probably you are not a fan of columns then you again allocate the text, and press a combination of keys Ctrl + Alt + C . All additional blanks will disapear, but so that indentation will be keeped.


Technical texts sometimes contain a lot of text in a natural language. As a rule it is comments and other explaining texts. Usual these texts are printed in primitive editors, but look they should well. Accurately to issue, adjust the text exactly on width, to keep uniform space, without leaving your usual text editor will help you TextLab.

For example, selecting two paragraphs of the text of the comment in the figure below, and having pressed Ctrl+Alt+J it is possible to format accurately the text, having justifing it on width and having made equal border of the text on right and to a left edge.


Work with lists in the advanced text editors - business ordinary and simple, and here at work with a plain text support of lists turns in very boring business. It is necessary to support uniformity of formatting of list items. Besides, it is necessary to number items manually?and if it is necessary to insert new item it is necessary to alter manually numbering of all bottom half of list. Thought what to make and support the hierarchical (multilevel) list in a simple text file comes to mind not to much is already too. But now for you all these problems and difficulties in the past. All routine work will be incurred by program TextLab.

For example, suppose that you make the message, working in Google-group. Having made a sketch of some list, you press keys Ctrl+Alt + ~ and having chosen the arisen menu point List | List of Paragraphs you receive the tolerably enough issued list.

After addition into the list of new item that the list can be automatically formatted again, and numbering of items has been corrected with the account of occurrence of new item. It is enough to repeat the same simple actions - to select the text and to press a combination of hotkeys.


As you, probably, have noticed, all examples have been resulted in absolutely text editors. In the work you for certain use even more various set of text editors. At work with each of them you can use possibilities TextLab. Receptions and the habits which have been turned out in editor, will be useful to you at work in any another. The set of hotkeys is identical at work with all applications, popup menu of TextLab does not vary at transition from the application to the applications.