As well as all action parametres, the options concerning formatting of lists are set in dialogue "Options" on a tab "Parameters".
- List numbering
Variants of a choice are that:
1. 2. 3. ...
1) 2) 3) ...
I. II. III. ...
i. ii. iii. ...
A. B. C. ...
A) B) C) ...
a. b. c. ...
a) b) c) ...
А. Б. В. ...
А) Б) В) ...
а. б. в. ...
а) б) в) ...
This option is used at construction of flat lists. For multilevel lists numbering «1.2. 3....» is used only.
By default value «1. 2. 3....» is on.
- Bullet characters.
- This option sets a symbol set, used at drawing up of the marked list.
By default as a bullet the symbol “ o ” is used.
The given option can contain more than one bullet chars. In this case bullet chars are divided from each other by «,» or «;». And the subsequent bullets are used at work with multilevel lists.
At work with multilevel lists bullets from this option are used in that order in what they are listed in option: for a designation of the first level the first bullet from option, for the second level the bullet second for an order is used. If the markers set in option does not suffice for a designation of item with a deep last marker from the list is used.
By default the list of bullets is:
o, *, +, - ¤, •, v, ¦, ¦, <>, []
- Exclude low level
Making hierarchical (multilevel) lists, it is possible to cancel numbering of the most deeply enclosed paragraphs (or lines). The most deeply enclosed paragraphs usually represent the basic text explaining, opening contents of the numbered elements. This text as a rule does not demand numbering.
By default this option is on .
- Note.
While formatting of lists value of the size of tabulation (Tab size option) is used. Lines of the paragraph (a list item) move to the right for the size of tabulation concerning the first line of the paragraph. Besides, the size of tabulation is used at definition of level of point in the multilevel list.